Activity Editor Q& A - Questions and answers for using the MSTS activity editor, in PDF format compiled by Rich Garber (Rail. Acela Modified Break Sounds - Modified airflow/ tankfill/ break sound for the Acela with lowered volume by Jan Rasmussen (Rail. Acela which allows you to drive your train as fast as 5. Acela Express - Engine and Brakes Upgrade - Modified. 4 - Produces Kuju ACE format texture files from many common image formats intended to be used as a replacement for the makeace and makeacewin tools by Scott M. For other add- ons, including rolling stock, routes, and activities, see our Microsoft Train Simulator Contents Page. This page features utilities, updates, enhancements, and tutorials for Microsoft Train Simulator. Train Simulator (MSTS) Updates, Tutorials & Utilities.
: est consacré à Microsoft Train Simulator aux ajouts et créations français : matériel roulant (locomotives vapeur, locomotives électriques. Total Downloads: 3,633 files Total Download Size: 116,162,753,822 bytes Total Different Files: 1,758 files. Western Australia - BHP Billiton - Mining Area C to Port Hedland Route design by Marek Lemow Overview. Site update in progress for release (Site last updated March 17, 2015) Page Index: Scroll down or click on an area.

Mivel az oldalunk fizet Upgrades, utilities, tutorials, and other free enhancements for Microsoft Train Simulator (MSTS). This page provides dozens of free route downloads for Microsoft Train Simulator, plus links to third parties offering routes for download.

Unfortunately there was a small mixup of a few shapes (2.5Pnts) concerning the textures. Version 3.20 - (November 2007) - A quick update. Ligne Vallon V2 Biel/Bienne - La Chaux-de-Fonds de Juerg Benz nécessite XTracks v3.20, Ztracks : et New Roads V4.0 Vallon avec ajout de la caténaire de.